Began November 2017

Watcher is a series of interactive art pieces based on observational data gathering. It originated as an art piece for the Department of New Urban Mechanics in Boston. However after finishing that piece I wanted to continue and have several more in the works right now.

Watcher 00

Download: Full Release

The first watcher project began as an observation of the movement of buses and pedestrians at the Ruggles bus stop in Boston. I observed the movements from an elevated position, sitting on the upper platform. Over the course of 2 hours of observation I found the following:

  • A majority of people using the area were not there for the bus
  • Few people sat when they were waiting for the bus, regardless of if seats were available
  • People standing waiting for the bus rarely interacted
  • Buses could only travel in a single direction due to the layout of the stop

Watcher 01

Download: Full Release

The second watcher project was based on the movements of tour groups and pedestrians from my dorm at Northeastern University. I observed the movements from an elevated position, on the second floor. The observation lasted 33 minutes and 10 seconds, the duration of the album Superorganism by Superorganism. I observed the following:

  • People often traveled in groups
  • The number of people in the group was roughly connected to the number of times a group of that size was noted
  • When two groups came into contact the groups would briefly struggle as they tried to navigate around each other
  • The only clear group leaders were found in the tour groups
  • When tour groups passed other groups would take notice